Well, the pictures pretty much tell the story. Monica came down to Jeonju for the weekend. I made Vietnamese Pho for dinner on Friday, it turned out ok, but the rice paper spring rolls on the side were excellent. Saturday night Monica made 닭도리탕, which is chicken with potatoes vegetables and noodles seasoned slightly spicy and sweet. It was unbelieveable. I have leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow. Today, Sunday, we took a bus to the beach, to 격포, about 2 hours away. We arrived in the afternoon and walked around taking pictures until dinner. I suggested we have some seafood since we were right next to the ocean. Monica said it would be expensive, but I said it was too good an opportunity to waste to eat fresh sashimi. It ended up costing about $60 for our meal, which I think would normally have been eaten by 4 people. We didn't come close to finishing it all. They kept on bringing out more and more dishes. At the end they were even going to bring out some soup(매운탕) for us but we declined. The dinner included the main dish of really nice sashimi and smaller plates of: fish tonkatsu, cooked crab, 4 smaller cooked fish, oysters, clams, some kind of red and yellow sea plant, sea worm, three other kinds of sea vegetables, spicy garlic stem or green onion side dish, plus several things I had no idea what they were.

Tell me about the stacked rocks
People build the stack of rocks with a particular thought in mind. I assume some people make a wish. We just made one for fun.
One note about the octopus legs. The reflexes are really amazing. 40 minutes into our meal you could still touch the suckers and the arms would wriggle around.
Also, the sea worm turned out to be pretty good.
I ate so much raw fish and other seafood I thought I might not digest it that well, but so far I feel great.
did you for shizzle eat those moving things? tell me about the experience
Oh man that stuff looks so good you'll never be able to reproduce it here
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