This Saturday we went back to the theater area at 혜화 for a while then took the subway to 홍대. Hong-de is a university area with lots of people, lights, shops, and things to eat. We ate okonomiyaki at one of the many Japanese restaurants in the area. The last six pictures are from around Jeonju. Oh, one more thing: I bought something. Do you know what it is?
I'm guessing the green and white scooter......
That's a lot of hats! If you got one, what did it say on it?
That is the cutest picture of old people ahhh do they do that a lot? the sight of asians touching each other is still pretty new to me except for Korean young people
Nope, not the scooter. That one belongs to the old man. I bought a camera, Canon EOS 1000D. I was going to get a nikon but i tried them out and the canons were a lot more comfortable to hold and adjust the settings with.
canon's an american brand right?
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