
mini world

This weekend we went to a place somewhere near 부평 subway station in seoul. It had scaled versions of famous sites around the world. Also there were some performers, maybe from the philippines, who did a funny circus type show. The first picture is from the walk to the bus station from my apartment.


Unknown said...

How often do you two get to see each other? Plus that place looks really cool! Did they have the space needle? or an In and Out Burger? That would be cool.

d.f. said...

I've been going to Seoul basically every weekend. It's 2 and a half hours, so not too bad. LOL, i wish.

kagari said...

No way- this is so cool! Kindof like vegas. Haha, yeah an In and Out Burger seriously-
So do you guys speak basically only Korean to each other?

d.f. said...

Yeah, basically 100% Korean. Kind of funny to have an Eiffel tower photo with the Empire state building in the background.

Unknown said...

If I'm not mistaken, that's King Kong on that Empire State Building. . . Yeah, that would make sense, what's the empire state building without the King Kong.