The first game we played was a speed game. Both teams would quickly try to describe a given word to another member on their team using only English. The team at the end with the most completed words was the winner.
The second game was a vocabulary game. One member of each team would stand in the front, facing the class. I would write a topic on the board, such as animals, and the two would alternate naming different animals until one could not think of a new one. If the other could still think of a new one, their team received a point.
I have met many nice people here. The majority of the Korean and foreign teachers are very kind. A few days ago I felt like I didn't quite fit in with either group, but now it feels more like I fit well in both groups.
I am trying to decide what to do for my two week vacation after camp. I will be moving into an apartment on the first day, but after that I am free to travel. However, I will probably just stay here in Jeonju and walk around downtown.
How is the kids' English?
not so good....
Are you supposed to speak English to them at the pool and stuff too?
oh and by the way this picture is actually taken to the west, it is sunset.
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