I am writing from Narita airport in Tokyo. For some passengers on NW007, the long journey ended here. 10 or so hours of cramped knees and stiff backs. The rest of us have 3 hours more, continuing on to Incheon. For some reason, we had to leave the plane and go through security again even though we are taking the same plane. The humidity that greeted us at the airport reminded me of honolulu.
2008.07.21 - Incheon
It took a while to connect, but I eventually met the Mr. Kim I was supposed to meet at the airport. I dont think he likes me for some reason. He was quite antagonistic. I spoke a little Korean to him and he told me, since I earn money by speaking english, to speak english. I only spoke Korean in the first place because his english sucked. He took me to the "guest house," which feels more like empty apartments for 50$ a night, but I still love it. I remember the taste and feel of the korean air from before. Anyway, Mr Kim will take me to the bus terminal tomorrow to go to Jeonju, then I will hopefully never see him again.
2008.07.22 - Incheon
Last night I lay in bed from about midnight to 5:30 but I didn't sleep more than a couple hours. Mr. Kim Su Min may have been an hour late this morning, but at least he was a little more plesant. I was just dropped off at the airport and am now on a bus to Jeonju. The bus ride will take 4 hours and cost aboiut 24,000 won. Someone is supposed to meet me at the Ko-a department store when I arrive. I forgot to get a converter so I can't plug in my computer to charge yet. This morning while waiting for Mr. Kim I watched MBC game channel which featured a professional Starcraft match. I think it was on hidden temple, zerg vs terran 10v3 positions.
2008.07.24 - Jeonju
I met a guy named Young when I arrived in Jeonju. He is actually about my age, but is kind of the coordinator for all of the English teachers in Jeonju. He speaks English well. He took me on a few errands, including doing the required heath exam at the hospital. He is a really nice guy so I am excited to be working for/with him.
This was taken from my seat after reboarding the plane at Narita airport. The plane flight over to Korea was interesting because we were travelling east about as fast as the earth is rotating, so it was sunset the whole time.
Oh yeah the humidity..
Was Mr Kim the way they described? How did you meet him?
How do you convert Wons to dollars?
Health exam eh...
That's cool about the sunset. I think I flew to Hawaii once like that, it was beautiful.
Wouldn't want that nasty calculus to build up on your teeth... I could use some of that, actually how about Anti-easy problem that is actually hard and takes two hours -paste. Have to stripe it with Anti-stupid paste, and how about anti-all the things that get in the way of actually doing the homework paste. You were so good at that! I have got to hole up more these next semesters. RU glad to be out of school? Oh, you're on the other side now; I should have bought you a discipline stick;)
We didn't figure out how to make comments until today. Thank you for the password, and for this computer!!! I like the Korean letters on the keys. I tried to show Sunny the picture on it, but he really didn't understand, just touched his nose on the screen. Apparently it's his birthday tomorrow, and he is going to the groomers. I don't know, maybe i'll make him a cake, out of dog food, treats, used kleenex, socks and shoes, hands. It's hard to know what to do for a dog on his birthday. He's so much more mellow than before. Besides Sunny, I miss you.
Those are nice shoes, but are they real Nike?
Yes they are real. 1dollar = 1000\
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